Pantrypoints Pantrypoints


Here is the latest news about Pantrypoints

Pantrypoints @ Fishackathon
February 1, 2022
Pantrypoints @ Fishackathon →
We submitted our entry to the Fishackathon 2022 as Pantry Points
Pantry Govern @ Impacthub Smart Cities
December 11, 2021
Pantry Govern @ Impacthub Smart Cities →
We joined Impacthub Smart Cities to pitch Pantry Govern
Moneyless Banking @ Impacthub 2050
October 9, 2021
Moneyless Banking @ Impacthub 2050 →
We made it to the Top 10 of Impacthub 5G Agriculture Challenge
Name change and site upgrade: 'Social Resource Allocation' is now 'Pantrypoints'!
July 15, 2021
Name change and site upgrade: 'Social Resource Allocation' is now 'Pantrypoints'! →
Circle @ Plastics Hackathon of the UN Habitat
June 5, 2021
Circle @ Plastics Hackathon of the UN Habitat →
We made it to the Top 10 of the 3R Plastics Hackathon of UN Habitat
December 10, 2020
We got accepted into the JICA NINJA Training Program
Health @ AWS Hackdays 2020
July 23, 2020
Health @ AWS Hackdays 2020 →
We made it to the Top 5 of AWS Hackdays 2020
Relief @ AWS Hackdays 2020
July 22, 2020
Relief @ AWS Hackdays 2020 →
We made it to AWS Hackdays as with our SORA Health prototype
Fairtax @ Hackatax
November 5, 2019
Fairtax @ Hackatax →
Fairtax at BIR Hackatax 2019
Agreeculture @ Impact Hackathon
October 31, 2019
Agreeculture @ Impact Hackathon →
We pitched Agreeculture in the Impact Hackathon in Araneta
Reuse @ Pasig Climathon
October 25, 2019
Reuse @ Pasig Climathon →
We're in the Pasig Climathon to pitch our recycling system
Oil of Hope @ Accelerate Asia
October 16, 2019
Oil of Hope @ Accelerate Asia →
Oil of Hope is a new brand that includes coconut and cinnamon oils which are packaged by disabled people
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