Pantrypoints Pantrypoints


Here is the latest news about Pantrypoints

New Partner: FINAC
January 28, 2023
New Partner: FINAC →
We welcome FINAC into the Pantrypoints system
Pantrypoints Circle for the ADB Visualizing Climate Change & Resilience Challenge
November 8, 2022
Pantrypoints Circle for the ADB Visualizing Climate Change & Resilience Challenge →
We're submitted our entry to the ADB Visualizing Climate Change & Resilience Challenge
Pantrypoints World @ Web3 Hackathon
October 30, 2022
Pantrypoints World @ Web3 Hackathon →
We prototyped our blockhain solution as Pantrypoints Coins to be implemented by Pantrypoints World
Superphysics @ the 3rd PNP Hackathon
October 15, 2022
Superphysics @ the 3rd PNP Hackathon →
We signed up for the 3rd PNP Hackathon
New Partners: Himalayan Consultancy
October 6, 2022
New Partners: Himalayan Consultancy →
We welcome Himalayan Consultancy into the Pantrypoints system
New Partners: San Pedro City Agricultural Office and Pacita Organic Garden
September 16, 2022
New Partners: San Pedro City Agricultural Office and Pacita Organic Garden →
We welcome The San Pedro City Agriculture Office and Pacita Organic Garden
New Partner: Capri Island Cafe
September 6, 2022
New Partner: Capri Island Cafe →
We welcome The Point and Capri Cafe into the Pantrypoints system
New Partners: Ayus and SCENAC
August 15, 2022
New Partners: Ayus and SCENAC →
We welcome Ayus and SCENAC Phils Inc into the Pantrypoints system
New Partners: Food Rescue Philippines and Savilas Vietnam
July 15, 2022
New Partners: Food Rescue Philippines and Savilas Vietnam →
We welcome Food Rescue Philippines and Savilas Vietnam into the Pantrypoints system
Pantrypreneur Rewards
July 8, 2022
Pantrypreneur Rewards →
We deployed Pantry Rewards as Elivirs Rewards for a new restaurant in Quezon City Philippines
New Partner: Angel's Shelter
April 19, 2022
New Partner: Angel's Shelter →
We welcome Angel's Shelter into the Pantrypoints system
Pantrypoints @ Hack4Food
March 22, 2022
Pantrypoints @ Hack4Food →
Pantrypoints was at Hack4Food Online
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