Pantrypoints Pantrypoints

Learners Learning Objective

January 18, 2022 3 minutes  • 517 words
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In CBT, we consider individual differences in training because CBT is self-paced.

The design of training and instructional materials should suit each trainee.


One important part of planning a training session is to analyze trainees so that the training suits their:

  1. Ability level

  2. learning styles & preferences

  3. Motivations

  4. Interests

because they are the bases in choosing the methodologies to be used by the trainer. It is important to note that:

a. CBT is customized and personalized.

This is difficult to achieve if trainers are not aware of, either, the differences among trainees, or, how they may be able to work with these trainees to address their specific needs to allow them to demonstrate competence.

b. The solutions are frequently applicable across different topics. c.Not all issues for trainers are issues for trainees.

d. By altering some simple components of training, issues can be resolved; e.g. language issues - having assessment in the local language rather than in English.


Characteristicsof trainees What does this mean to the plan? Language,literacy andnumeracy(LL&N)This influences the methods you can use and the activities and tasks that are suitable to the training and the trainee. You must be prepared for different LL&N levels and must have numerous resources available for different requirements. CulturalbackgroundBe aware of different cultural backgrounds and practices. There maybe activities that you choose which are inappropriate because of cultural background and practices.

Education andgeneralknowledgeGeneral education levels are helpful for you to know at what level to pitch the delivery of the session. GenderThe whole plan is affected if you have a group of all female, all male or a mixture if there are activities that involve demonstration, role play and so on AgeAge can affect the plan depending on what is delivered, how it is delivered and at what pace it is delivered Physical abilityBe aware of any trainee who is less able than others to perform physical tasks before the beginning of the session

Activist – Activists are people who learn by doing.

They need to get into the action and experience what they’re trying to learn. These types of people typically have an open mind, they don’t come into situations with biases, they like to brainstorm, and they’re open to group discussions and problem-solving sessions.

Theorist – modelers

Learners who are inherently theorists seek to understand the theory behind the action. They enjoy following models and reading up on facts to better engage in the learning process. Theorists love reading stories and quotes, and they appreciate as much background information as they can get.

Pragmatist – experimenters

Pragmatists want to know how to put what they’re learning into practice in the real world. They don’t like abstract concepts or games. They experiment with theories, ideas, and techniques and take the time to think about how what they’ve done relates to reality.

Reflector – watches people

and thinking about what is happening. These kids observe from the sidelines and collect data, and then they take the numerous experiences they’ve perceived and work toward an appropriate conclusion.

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