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Gagne Theory

January 18, 2022 1 minutes  • 212 words
Table of contents

Robert Gagné, an educational psychologist, created a theory that focuses on how to organize learning experiences for optimal results. It emphasizes:

  • the internal processes of learning
  • the external conditions that support those processes.

Five Categories of Learning Outcomes

There are 5 main things learners can master:

  1. Intellectual Skills

These are cognitive abilities for problem-solving, classifying, and applying rules (e.g., mathematical operations, scientific reasoning).

  1. Verbal Information

Stating organized knowledge (e.g., reciting facts, describing historical events).

  1. Cognitive Strategies

Internal processes that guide a learner’s thinking, problem-solving, and how they approach learning itself (e.g., memorization techniques, metacognitive strategies).

  1. Motor Skills

Executing physical actions and developing coordination (e.g., playing sports, using tools).

  1. Attitudes

Internal states that influence the choices a learner makes (e.g., preferences, values, emotional responses).

9 Events of Instruction

  1. Gain Attention

Capture students’ interest, spark curiosity.

  1. Inform Learners of Objectives

Clearly state what students will learn.

  1. Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning

Connect the new lesson to existing knowledge.

  1. Present the Content

Provide well-structured material in an organized way.

  1. Provide Learning Guidance

Offer support with examples, scaffolding, or non-examples.

  1. Elicit Performance

Give learners opportunities to demonstrate what they’ve learned.

  1. Provide Feedback

Informative feedback on students’ performance.

  1. Assess Performance

Evaluate mastery of the learning objectives.

  1. Enhance Retention and Transfer

Facilitate application of knowledge to new contexts.

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