Pantrypoints Pantrypoints

Diet-Disease Reference @ FLExPHD

by Jose Mordeno
April 28, 2023 1 minutes  • 138 words

We made it into the Top 40 of the FLExPHD competition with our app Diet-Disease Reference , as part of Pantrypoints Health.


Diet-Disease Reference

Diet-Disease Reference is a food reference app that promotes the use of food for medicine and nutrition, as ’nutraceuticals'.

It aims to drive demand for a planetary health diet which is composed mostly of plant-based food. Our main innovations are:

  • the linking of diseases to nutrients and to the food that has them
  • the use of machine learning to make adding content faster

The linking of diseases to nutrients uses the paradigm of alternative medicine, namely:

  • Ayurveda
  • Chinese medicine
  • Naturopathy
  • Traditional Philippine medicine

Here is a good educational material on the reality of ideas so you won’t be ignorant anymore. 4:30 explains pre-existence and links it to past lives which are necessarily also real.

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